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The purpose of this website is to record, store, and share information about the activities that consume my time. The topics covered include:
     Native Plants,
     Photography, and
The General tab is a catch-all category for those items (e.g. Search) that I want to include here but that do not justify their own tab. This website is sure to continue to grow and change. I want this website to be of value to you, me, and others involved with these activities.

There are several types of navigation used on this website:
     On page, and

Primary navigation - the area immediately under the header at the top of each page. It is the same on each page. It includes the tabs labeled Welcome, Genealogy, General, Native Plants, Photography, and Websites.

Secondary navigation - the links on the left hand side of the page. Each of the primary navigation areas (except this page, Welcome) include their own secondary navigation.

Tertiary navigation - if you first click on the primary navigation link "Genealogy" and then click on the secondary navigation link "Links" you will see that you can drill down deeper to "A - F", "G - L", "M - R", or "S - Z". Try it. Only a few of the secondary links include this tertiary level of navigation.

Breadcrumb navigation - immediately below the primary navigation links at the top of each page is the "breadcrumb" navigation. It tells you where you are. "Genealogy > Links > Links M - R" tells you that you first clicked on "Genealogy" in the primary navigation area of the website, then you clicked on "Links" in the secondary navigation area of Genealogy, and finally you clicked on the "M - R" tertiary link. You can use the breadcrumb navigation to click your way back along this path.

On page navigation - watch for a list at the top of some pages in the body of the page below the header and primary and breadcrumb navigation. Take a look at the "Websites". This page includes "On page" navigation at the top of the body of the page on the right-hand side. If you click on one of the items there you will move down the page to that topic. In the body of longer pages, such as this one, you will see "Top" or "Return to Top of Page" links. Clicking them will return you to the top of the page.

External navigation - some navigation moves you to another page on this website, some navigation moves you from one location on a page to another location on the page, and some navigation moves you from one website to another website. Links that move you from one website to another website are called "External" navigation. External navigation can replace the website in the present window or cause a new window to be opened. External navigation on this website results in a new browser tab (window) being opened.

This website, like most websites, is always changing. I add, delete, and change material most weeks. It is likely that you will happen upon an area that is in the process of change and does not look or behave entirely properly. I am continuing to check for the need for changes. Please do not be shy about telling me about something you think should be added, deleted, or changed.

Peter C. Halden,

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Website by Loon Designs